12 Aug

Major Sportsbooks Sign 2021 NFL Deal

NFL Signs 3 New Sports Betting Partners – BetMGM, PointsBet, WynnBet

NFL Signs 3 New Sports Betting Partners – BetMGM, PointsBet, WynnBetThe 2021 NFL season is almost upon us. Pre-season games are already happening, adding to the excitement of the first regular season kick-off, when the Dallas Cowboys face off against the Super Bowl Champion Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Monday, September 9. By the time that day comes, we can expect to see a lot more advertisement materials, promoting a host of new National Football League (NFL) partners.

According to a bevy of sports new sources, the NFL is partnering with three new major sportsbooks. Up until now, Fox Bet was the only official partner of the NFL with a tier-two (non-exclusive) contract. Now, you can add BetMGM, PointsBet, and WynnBet to that list. These proceed the original first-tier partners – DraftKings, Fanduel and Caesars – who signed 5-year “tri-exclusive” deals with the league back in April.

NFL Sings Three New Sports Betting Partners

BetMGM, PointsBet and WynnBet each put ink to paper on second-tier partnership contracts. This type of partnership focuses largely on data collection and advertising aspects. Each is agreeing to purchase official league data from the NFL’s stats and analytic partner, Genius Sports. In exchange, each will receive advertising rights during NFL games, both on television and at the stadium.

There’s no word yet on whether any NFL team logos will appear within their physical or digital product lines. It’s also uncertain just how many partners the league could team up with before the 2021 NFL season gets underway. Neither the NFL, or any of its new partners, are commenting on the agreement yet.

What we do know is that the NFL is, by far, the wealthiest sports league in the nation. It attracts the largest number of viewers and bettors alike. The league was not so fast to jump on the ‘legal sports betting’ band wagon as its colleagues. But now, its clear that the NFL is fully embracing the concept, and the potential billions of dollars in annual revenue it could add to its pocket book.

By aligning with the biggest sports betting operators in the country, the league itself stands to benefit from multi-tier commercial contracts. That doesn’t even include what individual teams could bring in with exclusive contracts of their own.

Strengthening Ties with Major Sportsbooks

Each of the NFLs new sports betting partners are already tied to the league in one way or another. These latest contracts are only helping to strengthen those existing bonds.

PointsBet, for example, is already in a long-term commitment with NBC Sports, which is a media partner of the NFL, and has multiple contracts with individual teams. It’s also an official partner of the WNBA, signing with the women’s basketball league back in May.

BetMGM is an official partner of more than half a dozen NFL teams, including the Baltimore Ravens, Las Vegas Raiders, New York Jet, Pittsburgh Steelers, and others. There’s also a BetMGM branded sportsbook under construction at the stadium of the Arizona Cardinals.

WynnBet’s list of NFL partners isn’t so long, but does include a deal with the Detroit Lions.

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